So much for America's much vaunted free speech! Or, is it censorship? I decided to do a comparison study.
Religion looks very much the same, except that the numbers of posts average about 20 times higher.

Intelligent design shows little change.

But Christianity also shows a significant drop, and significantly higher volume. Don't these people go to Church?

As does theology. So little substance, so many posts.

Here's biological evolution – it appears more erratic because actual numbers of posts are so much lower. How horrifying that one of the most important processes on the planet only draws one post for every 200 religious posts.

Having posted all of the above, I discovered Technorati's updatable graphs. Here some are:
English posts that contain Atheism per day for the last 30 days.
English posts that contain Creationism per day for the last 30 days.
English posts that contain Religion per day for the last 30 days.
English posts that contain Science per day for the last 30 days.
American Thanksgiving may provide the explanation for the big drop in posts. Canada had Thanksgiving late in October, which reminds me of an apparently true story. A young man had moved up to Canada to work and wrote home to tell his Mom of his Thanksgiving. His Mom wrote back and asked, "When do they have Christmas?"
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