In a post titled To those who believe that atheists face no discrimination was a link to this piece of trash that makes me even happier that I am Canadian and an atheist!
'You must believe' – what a ridiculous misinterpretation of freedom of religion and speech!
Alice Shannon of Soldotna, Alaska appears unaware of the fact that a far higher proportion of the religious rather than of atheists commit crimes. I refer not merely to actual numbers of religious criminals versus atheist criminals, but to the fact that atheists are underrepresented in the criminal factions. Why? Atheists are more likely than the religious to have higher levels of education and the educated are less likely to commit violent crimes. They commit white collar crimes, if they commit crimes at all. (My bet is that the Enron perpetrators were actually religious.)
However, even F-Alice-ous must have heard of this statistic. She argues, purely on emotional grounds, that even if atheists have not committed a crime that this approximately 10% of the USian population is still responsible for the rampancy of crime. Perhaps, knowing that atheists are usually brighter and better educated than the religious, F-Alice-ous believes that atheists, like Danny Ocean, are the masterminds who direct goon religionists to commit crimes. By this reasoning, American prisons are full of religious felons because these criminals are daft enough to get caught.
In her bigotted stupidity, F-Alice-ous is actually ignoring the root causes of crime in America. These include America's policy of slavery and subsequent maltreatment of African Americans; First Amendment protection of gun-related crime; family violence and abuse of children, including authoritarian parenting styles; and, conservative-policies-supported poverty (like Dick Cheney, greedy conservatives have 'never met a welfare proogram they liked').
The further ruin of the US has been brought upon Americans not by atheism but by the worst president in history. Despite his record of lies and incompetence and the enormous cost of his Alienate-Hearts-and-Minds War-to-Invite-Terror, religious bigots love Dubaya because he tells them that God gives him directions. This of course, is quite plausible since Dubaya clearly is not getting any good advice.
I did find something good on the website that posted the video: Manikin Moonwalk a bird with da moves.atheism
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